Saturday, April 16, 2011


Saudi Arabian desert sand dry
I cough, I choke 
Breathe 1,2,3
My pulse begins to drop
Tears well in my eyes
They never fall
Who is this man staring at me??
Faint recognizance 
Still yet unplaced
My mind races thoughts still conspiring against the host
Even now after all this time
All the fighting 
For what?
Tell me DAMNIT
I won't ask again and my temper oh my temper!!
I will raze this place to the ground
Patience thin as hair
The veil it no longer clouds me i'm starting to see
Beautiful, Destructive, Dirty, Malignant, Sublime, Majestic
It dawns on my like a new day
I remember
The man!!
He is me
I am he 
Not who I was meant to be
Not who I wanted to become
The Monster
I prayed oh how I prayed 
That this Love wouldn't take my life away 
I release you from the chains that 
Bind && Blind
My sweet beloved betrothed
Forever never lasts

Time to go

Hello Lovers!!! I know it's been a while since i've posted anything but you know how it is life calls so I have to answer (: .. Anywho let's just jump right in to it && for todays topic let's talk about L-O-V-E.  "Love is a Devil," That's Shakespeare that man knew about love.  It means if can make you do the craziest thing act completely neurotic and out of character.  Now you know this is my favorite topic because its so multidimensional it can go so many many many many different roads.  So I purpose the question: When is it time to stop letting your heart tug you in a direction all logic && reason tells you is incorrect?, When do you pick up the pieces and move on?  I'm a hard type of lover I will give you everything not just my love but me the real me .. when the wall come crashing down it's EVERYTHING.  Sometimes we don't quite get over things && people and when the heart is involved this can be the most dangerous form of expression.  You see misplaced longing and desire can make a person go insane, trust me I KNOW.  Being in love with someone who doesn't love you back is one of the hardest toughest pills to swallow.  LOVE ME BACK.  It seems we can always seem to find someone to lust after us, want us, desire, not quite want to be with us but at the same token not want anyone else to either.  My friends it's time for us to wake up and start smelling the Starbuck's because we keep confusing love with lust or desire and the two are monumentally different.  We have to figure out if it's love or is it just that i'm so SCARED OF LONELY that i'd rather take empty expression over the silence which seems to scream so loudly.  Time to pack your bags once && for all and this time you can't forget your most valuable asset .. your HEART .. always remember that one because if you leave it behind when you realize your forgot it and go back to retrieve it you only get stuck on stupid and start to roll backwards.